Colour and style forecast studio with creative director Christine Foden Macleary is situated on a little island of Themes, London. Curating and dying their own colours, to match the Menswear, Womenswear and Active forecast publications. Often on Next Trend stage where the d.cipherfm stories come to life and get visualised. All forecast books include an extensive range of original colours, combos and usage. Three publications per season, twice a year in limited editions. All including digital data for inhouse sharing made easy. If you wish for your company their own session, book a trend coaching meeting online.
Fashion Room srl | sede legale via il Prato,7/r 50123 Firenze | p.i. 05323640481 | rea 538177 data d'iscrizione camera di commercio 13/05/2003 - PEC:
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