Indietro  Ethno Pop Textures 2

Arkivia Books

EUR 130,00

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Original modular textile patterns of various ethnic provenances, suitable for Stylists, Designers and Art Directors in the fashion, interior and gift sectors.

In turbulent or difficult times Fashion often reacts by returning to its origin. In an increasingly globalized world, creativity is becoming more and more a common heritage.

A Fashion Book made by modular Textures, suitable for Stylists, Designers and Art Directors.

These designs are from cultures all over the world.
Return to the origins.

100 DESIGNS saved in 5 ways - 500 files in all - the use is free with NO ROYALTIES.
1 Free DVD included for WINDOWS and MAC - Vector and Bitmap hi-res files, ready for production.

Peso: 1.5 Kg



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