Indietro  Visual Merchandising 2 English Version

EUR 59,00

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The book is a practical guide for all visual merchandisers , architects and designers who deal with retail and is a useful tool for understanding how to make the most of the point of sale.

After years of working as a designer, visual merchandiser and teacher, I wanted to transfer the knowledge gained over time with this technical manual. The volume covers the history of trade , analyses the psychological components, the reactions of the customer, the influence of colour and its meaning.

Assess lettering; how and where to use it, lighting and how to enable the staff to effectively represent the brand.

The book explores the different types of windows and media, the dressing of mannequins, methods of display and the details of various product categories.

It also covers the internal layout of a shop, how to use materials and small practical tips.

We examines the various distribution formats with the case studies taken from the retail business.

The book consists of 320 pages , 773 photographs, 133 illustrations , 20 case studies, with 26 contributions and collaborations.

Materiale: LibriTecnici

Peso: 2 Kg


Casa Editrice: CAIRE EDITORE
Lingua: Inglese
prodotto digitale: 0


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