Indietro  Denim Dudes: Street Style, Vintage, Workwear, Obsessio

EUR 29,50

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Denim Dudes is a street style book with a difference.

This richly illustrated title showcases over 80 metalheads punks, indie kids, rockabillies, bikers, hipsters, geeks, and other enthusiasts who are obsessed with denim.

As well as talking to and featuring pieces key players in the global denim business, such as Henry Holland (House of Holland), Francois Girbaud (Merithé et Francois Girbaud), Adriano Goldschmied (The Godfather of Denim, Diesel, Evisu), and Kenichi and Kenji (Warehouse Japan), Denim Dudes also explores the very best and latest denim styling on the street.

The photography has been shot exclusively for the book in the key international centres of denim, including Paris, Tokyo, London, New York, LA, Milan, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Barcelona, Osaka, Melbourne and Berlin.

This inspirational title will appeal not just to designers and fashion professionals but to a public increasingly obsessed with the world of denim. It offers unrivalled insight into the stylish and sometimes eccentric 'dudes' involved in this fascinating and diverse industry.

Peso: 1 Kg


Casa Editrice: LAURENCE KING
Pagine: 265
prodotto digitale: 0


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