We learn what each color means, where the color name comes from and color combinations that go well with each color, as well as different fabrics and decorative elements used in fashion in relation to color.
Quick and easy explanations reveal what each color communicates, how it can be combined most effectively, what it is known for and its common uses in fashion.
A kind of color dictionary within the world of fashion, this practical guide filled with vital information and suggestive images will undoubtedly serve as a valuable source of inspiration for fashion designers, stylists, fashionistas and anyone else interested in fashion.
Lauren Wager is a designer, curator, and color specialist livingin Columbus, Ohio with her family. She works on color consulting projects inwhich she creates palettes and mood boards for various brands and products.
Wager is co-owner of Georgie Home, a company that designs home textileproducts. She is also the creator of Color Collective, an online blog whichserves as a color resource for artists and designers. Wager is author of theworldwide bestsellers Color Collective's Palette Perfect and Palette Perfect Vol 2, which have both been translated into several languages.
She has donesocial media collaborations with Pantone, Marine Layer, Everlane, Le BonShoppe, Richer Poorer and Crow Works. Wager is a collector - always on thelookout for pretty rocks, stickers, vintage wrapping paper and fabrics.
Sheenjoys coffee, reading, plants, and discovering color palettes in unexpectedplaces. Sophia Naureen Ahmad specializes in communication throughcolor. She's a colorist, designer and writer with over ten years' experienceworking with global fashion brands.
She has studied art history at theUniversity of Virginia, fashion design at Parsons School of Design and, mostrecently, color design at Politecnico di MIlano. This book is her secondcollaboration with Lauren Wager.
Peso: 1 Kg
Anno/Mese di Uscita: | 2024 |
Casa Editrice: | Hoaki |
Copertina: | Soft Cover |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Pagine: | 384 |
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