Available in Italian or in English
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Couture meets leisurewear, symbiosis of art and fashion, visual information instead of long-winded texts, facts instead of personal opinions.
Art and the zeitgeist inform the issue's presentation, its cover, opening pages and graphics.
The visual information is clear, accessible, vivid, professional.
The texts on the various topics as well as the interviews are short and to the point.
They benefit the reader by providing him with information which increases his turnover and improves business.
Peso: 2 Kg
Anno/Mese di Uscita: | 01/04/06/10 |
Lingua: | Italiano |
Pagine: | 255 |
Stagione/Numero: | 78 |
Uscite per anno: | 4 |
Fashion Room srl | sede legale via il Prato,7/r 50123 Firenze | p.i. 05323640481 | rea 538177 data d'iscrizione camera di commercio 13/05/2003 - PEC: fashionroom@pec.fashionroom.it
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