Indietro  What Is Color? 50 Questions and Answers on the Science of Color

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A comprehensive illustrated exploration of the fascinating science of color.

Arielle and Joann Eckstut, authors of The Secret Language of Color, offer a thorough, readable, and highly visual exploration of the science of color.

Organized by 50 of the most essential questions about color across a variety of fields—physics, chemistry, biology, technology, and psychology—this book examines how and why we see color; how color relates to light; what the real primary colors are; how biology, language, and culture affect the colors that we see; and much more.

Full of clear and elegant infographics, What Is Color? is a must-have for artists and designers, scientists, students, and decorators, and anyone else whose work or play involves color.

Peso: 0.8 Kg


Anno/Mese di Uscita: 2020
Casa Editrice: Abrams
Lingua: Inglese
Pagine: 144
prodotto digitale: 0


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